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Tenders (8) Mauritania (8)
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  • Oct 23, 2024 Tender Notice Mauritania Financial Services
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    Consulting Services, Accompanying Measure for Banc d'Arguin, and Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Trust Fund (BACoMaB)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The aim of this project is to strengthen the Banc d'Arguin, and Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Trust Fund's institutional structure in various areas to improve its work and performance. Likewise, two marine protected areas are to be supported by the project.
    Brief Description of the Contract:
    Support to implement the project 'Accompanying Measure for Banc d'Arguin, and Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Trust Fund (BACoMaB)'

  • Jul 09, 2024 Tender Notice Mauritania Building Construction
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    Consulting Services, Implementation of an Operational and Scientific Center for Fisheries Monitoring

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:

    Consultant services for the sustainable planning, implementation and equipping of the infrastructure measure (above mentioned) as well as assistance to the project owner and future operator of the infrastructure.
    The COS will include, under the supervision of the MPEM, the infrastructures of the headquarters of the Mauritanian Coast Guard GCM, the headquarters of the Mauritanian Institute of Oceanographic Research and Fishing IMROP and a conference centre. The...

  • Feb 22, 2024 Tender Notice Mauritania Fishing
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    Consulting Services, Sustainable Management of the Fisheries Resource in Nouadhibou, MR

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:

    Mauritania has significant fishery resources and is a major player in the West African fishing industry. In 2025, the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy (MPEM) reoriented its resource management system towards a system based on the setting of total allowable catches. The Mauritanian Institute of Oceanographic Research and Fisheries (IMROP) is responsible for providing scientific advice and recommendations that serve as a basis for the MPEM's decisions on the...

  • Sep 29, 2022 Tender Notice Mauritania Heating, Air-Conditioning and Cooling Technology
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    Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technology for Vocational Training Institutions

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:

    supply and installation of cooling and air conditioning equipment for l'École d'Enseignement Technique et de Formation Professionnelle de Bâtiment et Travaux Publics de Nouakchott (EETFPBTP) and l'École d'Enseignement Technique et Formation professionnelle (EETFP) de Rosso in one lot

  • Sep 29, 2022 Tender Notice Mauritania Vocational Education
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    Equipment for a Vocational Training Institution (Electrics and Electronics)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    supply and installation of equipment for the École d’Enseignement Technique et de Formation Professionnelle de Bâtiment et Travaux Publics de Nouakchott (EETFPBTP); faculty: electrics and electronics (one lot)

    The original document in French language is available for download!

  • Sep 29, 2022 Tender Notice Mauritania Vocational Education
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    Equipment for a Vocational Training Institution (Carpentry)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Supply and installation of equipment for the École d’Enseignement Technique et de Formation Professionnelle de Bâtiment et Travaux Publics de Nouakchott (EETFPBTP)
    Lot 1: equipment for aluminium carpentry
    Lot 2: equipment for wood carpenty

    The original document in French language is available for download!

  • Sep 29, 2022 Tender Notice Mauritania Vocational Education
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    Supply of equipment for Vocational Schools

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Supply and installation of equipment for l'École d’Enseignement Technique et de Formation Professionnelle de Bâtiment et Travaux Publics de Nouakchott (EETFPBTP) in 2 lots
    Lot 1: equipment for plumbing and sanitation
    Lot 2: specific equipment: mounting kits for shower and toilet

    The original document in French language is available for download!

  • Feb 23, 2022 Tender Notice Mauritania Building Construction
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    Civil Works, Renovation and Expansion of an Education Institution

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    civil works for renovation and expansion of the Centre Supérieur d’Enseignement Technique de Nouakchott (CSET), 1 Lot

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