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Oct 17: More fuel cells in German basements

October 2017

According to Germany’s KfW development bank, 1,100 grant applications were received for natural gas-powered fuel cells units between August 2016 and July 2017.

Germany’s federal government has been subsidising the units in private households for almost a year and the successful funding programme has since been expanded to include companies and municipalities.

Natural gas-powered fuel cells are setting new standards in terms of efficiency and climate protection. The units are no bigger than a fridge and produce heat and electricity at the same time. The technology represents one of the most efficient forms of combined heat and power. Compared to an old oil-fired boiler, gas-powered fuel cells emit almost 60 percent less CO2.

Grants are available for units from 0.25 to 5 kW electrical power. The grant consists of a fixed sum of EUR 5,700 and a performance-related sum. Accordingly, for large fuel cell systems with an output of 5 kW, subsidies of up to EUR 28,200 are feasible.

Read more:

  • National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology: Press release
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