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Tender Notice Montenegro Building Construction

Construction/Energy Efficiency Measures for Public Buildings

Tender Award

  • Country Montenegro
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank, EU-Kommission/Europäische Union
  • Reference Number BMZ201968437/KfW509195; WB-IG04-REG-ENE-02; Projekt-Nr.: 42455
  • Subject Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings - Greening Public Infrastructure in Montenegro - Förderung der Energieeffizienz in öffentlichen Gebäuden – Ökologisierung der öffentlichen Infrastruktur in Montenegro
  • Further Information Co-financed by the Government of Montenegro!

Brief description of the Contract:

 In the framework of the German-Montenegrin Financial Cooperation, the Ministry of Capital Investments (hereinafter the Employer) has received a development loan from the KfW Entwicklungsbank and a grant from the European Union to be used for the realization of the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings - Greening Public Infrastructure in Montenegro. Additionally, part of the works will be co-financed from the budget of GoM. The Employer will use a portion of the available funds for the payments of the work to be performed under the two contracts for which this invitation for Pre-qualification is issued.

The Employer now invites sealed applications from eligible Applicants for:

Lot 1 - Construction of Nursing Home “Grabovac” Risan, Building H (Cluster I)

Lot 2- Rehabilitation and Modernization of Three School Facilities (Cluster III)

  • “Srednja ekonomsko-ugostiteljska škola i zgrada univerziteta DIF” in Nikšić
  • “Prva srednja stručna škola i Srednja stručna škola” in Nikšić
  • High school "25. maj" in Tuzi

The general scope of the Works shall cover application of energy efficiency measures, structural measures that are of basic importance for the serviceability of the buildings and comfort measures.

Pre-qualification documents can be obtained electronically in PDF format free of charge upon submission of a written request to the address of the Employer.

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