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Tender Notice Sudan Water Collection

Consulting Services, Construction of Water Harvesting and Irrigation Systems

Tender Award

  • Country Sudan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201768522
  • Subject South Darfur Livelihoods and Agricultural Infrastructure Development (LAID) Project

Brief description of the Contract:

World Vision International Sudan office is implementing the Livelihoods and Agricultural Infrastructure Development (LAID) Project in South Darfur (Republic of Sudan). One of the Projects' objectives is to construct water harvesting and irrigation infrastructures for increased livestock and agricultural production. Based on the findings of a site selection study, it is intended to construct two micro/diversion dams, one Haffir (surface water retention basin) and two small-scale irrigation systems (preliminary estimated irrigation area of up to 100 hectares). For the watering of animals of pastoralists, cattle troughs will be provided in order to reduce the conflict potential with agro-pastoralists in a highly fragile Project context.

Requested Consulting Services:

1. Main Consulting Services:

  • Feasibility Study
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

2. Optional Consulting Services:

  • Final Design, Tendering and Award of Contract
  • Construction Supervision & Assistance during Defects Notification Period

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