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Aug 17: 60 percent of residential buildings completed in Germany in 2016 wholly or partly heated by renewable energy

August 2017

Heating systems which use renewable energy were installed in 60.3 percent of the just under 110,000 residential buildings completed in 2016, the Federal Statistical Office Destatis reports. 37.6 percent of the residential buildings completed were primarily heated by energy from renewable sources.

Renewable energies ranked second among primary energy sources after gas, which was used for heating purposes in 52.9 percent of the new buildings. Together, the other energy sources (such as district heating, oil, and electricity) accounted for 9.5 percent.

Where new residential buildings were primarily heated by renewables, this was usually achieved with environmental heating (air or water-source heat pumps) or geothermal systems (ground-source heat pumps).

Where environmental heating, geothermal systems or gas were the primary energy source, these were also the sole source in 50 percent of new residential buildings. Where they were not the sole source they were most often supplemented with renewable sources. Wood was primarily installed to support environmental heating (22.9 percent) and geothermal systems (16.2 percent). Gas was most often combined with solar-thermal technologies (26.8 percent).

Renewable sources include environmental heating, geothermal systems, solar-thermal technologies, wood, biogas/biomethane and other biomass. Conventional energy sources include oil, gas, and electricity. District heating is a further energy source.

If you would like more information about the opportunities for your business in Germany's HVAC and green building markets, get in touch with Germany Trade & Invest's industry experts, who would be glad to support you.

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