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August 2018: Sixth Round for Competitive Electrical Efficiency Funding Program

August 2018

For the sixth time, companies in any sector can submit electrical efficiency projects to the “Step-up!” funding program, which is run by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Applicants can participate either in the “open call”, in which any electrical efficiency measure can be funded irrespective of technology or sector, or in the “closed call” which is limited to a specific topic – this time projects combining electricity and heating. Funding is allocated in a competitive process to the projects offering the highest cost-benefit ratios (i.e. kWh of electricity saved per euro funded).
Successful applications receive a non-repayable investment grant that varies according to the type of call and the size of the project. In the open call, a small project that fulfils the requirements can receive EUR 20,000 to EUR 250,000, while large projects can receive EUR 250,000 to EUR 1,500,000.
Companies with a commercial unit or a branch office in Germany and municipalities can apply for funding. Applications can be submitted from September 1st to November 31st, 2018.
This will be the last round in the pilot phase of the program.
NB: This information is provided as a courtesy only. No claim is made to completeness, accuracy, or timeliness. Further terms and conditions apply. Refer to the original funding conditions for official information.

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