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Research & Development

Nearly a third of all Fraunhofer institutes are involved in the nanotechnology field. The work of the Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Alliance covers the entire value chain, from practical research to industrial applications. Among other things, the Alliance is developing multi-functional coatings for optical applications, automotive engineering, and the electronics industry. Metallic and oxidic nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, and nanocomposites are used in actuators, structural materials, and biomedical applications. The institutions in the Alliance are also working on issues of toxicity and the safe handling of nanoparticles.

In terms of key technologies, the Helmholtz Association is working to integrate nano- and microsystems. The Nano-Micro-Facility, which deals with nanomaterials and processes, was opened in Karlsruhe and is available for all Helmholtz institutions to use. The Helmholtz Center Munich is working specifically on issues of toxicology.

Several of the Max Planck institutions have already been working in the areas of nanomaterials, supramolecular systems, and characterization methods for years.
The Leibniz Association also boasts numerous institutions that have delivered excellent results in researching nanomaterials, surfaces, and opto- and nanoelectric properties.

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