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EU Adopts New Sustainability Rules

The European Council has approved a new ecodesign framework covering nearly all products sold across the European Union.

The Council decision was the final step toward adoption of legislation to replace the 2009 ecodesign directive, which was limited to energy-related products. The supplementary directives needed to enforce the new ecodesign framwork are expected as of late 2025.

In addition to mandating sustainability for almost all products sold in the European Union, the new rules will establish digital “product passports” to inform customers about what they’re purchasing, a right to repair and a ban on disposing of unsold shoes and clothing.

“With the new ecodesign directive, the EU is taking a big step toward a climate-friendly circular economy,” said German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck in a statement. “With it we are opening up new leading green markets and making the EU into an international pioneer. It offers new opportunities for innovation, while consumers benefit from longer-lasting products. At the same time, we create economic security and sovereignty since we don’t have to import things we can recycle and repair.”

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