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Start-Ups Honored for Digital Health Solutions

The 2023 Health-i recognizes a trio of fledgling companies – CureVision, RadioReport and Semanux.

The Health-i Awards have been given out every year since 2016 and are one of Germany’s most important accolades in the health sector. It’s an initiative of business newspaper Handelsblatt and the public insurer Techniker Krankenkasse.

The 2023 winners are:

First Place – CureVision This Munich start-up has developed a 3D scanner for wounds that is not only precise to the millimeter but can also identify the types of tissue involved in the injury. That dramatically reduces the time needed to analyze wounds.

Second Place – RadioReport The young company from Berlin enables radiologists to relay information from x-rays and MRT and CT scans per mouse click rather than dictated reports. It’s supported by AI image analysis software.

Third Place – Semanux This Stuttgart newcomer has come up with an application to help physically impaired people to use computers. The software allows patients to direct computer cursors and write texts via movements and expressions filmed by everyday built-in computer cameras.

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