Event Germany Structural Change
Review: Green Hydrogen Economy Inbound Delegation Tour for Japanese Companies
Economic opportunities in the field of green hydrogen and sector coupling
As part of the Internationalization of Regions in Structural Change (ISW), Germany Trade & Invest – in cooperation with Bremen Invest, the Business Development and Technology Transfer Corporation of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg Invest, Invest in MV, and Invest in Niedersachsen – hosted an inbound delegation tour of the green hydrogen economy in northern Germany.
The economic development organisations of the five northern German federal states – Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein – have joined forces to form the green hydrogen alliance HY-5. This initiative aims at making northern Germany a leading region for green hydrogen in Europe and completing the value chain for green hydrogen.
From August 22 to 26, a delegation of 11 Japanese companies took the chance to visit the HY-5 region and gained various insights into current developments in green hydrogen and sector coupling.
The inbound delegation tour started with a briefing on the hydrogen region northern Germany on Monday morning in Bremen and was followed by visits to numerous companies and research facilities in the field of hydrogen, e.g. the ECOMAT research and technology center, EWE's Huntorf gas storage facility (hydrogen storage), FAUN Umwelttechnik (hydrogen-powered refuse collection vehicles), and the APEX Group's hydrogen hub. Various projects such as HyScale100, AquaVentus and CAMPFIRE were also presented. During the visits and the evening events, there were also numerous opportunities for representatives of German companies and institutions to exchange ideas with the delegation.
About GTAI Inbound Delegation Tours
GTAI inbound delegation tours are part of the ISW program and offer international companies the chance to visit a specific German region in order to get to know a particular industry ecosystem in that region. The delegation provides the opportunity to visit local companies and R&D actors as well as networks and clusters. We also arrange individual B2B meetings with industry players in the region.
This tour helps you to evaluate German market opportunities as a starting point for your European business expansion. Each tour event provides plenty of time for networking, asking questions of our experts and meeting potential future business partners.