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Tenders (10) Kyrgyzstan (10)
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  • Oct 20, 2023 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Building Construction
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    Modernization of the Oblast Maternity Hospital in Talas

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    due to lack of qualifying applicants!

    construction of a new perinatal annex at Talas Oblast United Hospital to improve access to basic and quality, internationally oriented and sustainably financed health services for women and children in Talas city and Talas Oblast. The Employer intends to prequalify contractors for the construction of a new Perinatal Annex and connection to the existing maternity unit in Talas. The Perinatal Annex will consist of an emergency...

  • Sep 04, 2023 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Building Construction
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    Construction of a Perinatal Centre (Osh)

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    due to lack of qualifying applicants!

    construction works (construction of a new building and renovation of an existing building) for a new Perinatal Centre. The Perinatal Centre will consist of an emergency room, maternity unit, postnatal unit and operating theatre on the 1st floor. The second level will house the intensive care units as well as the step-down wards for women and newborns. The external works include the connection of the main water, electricity and sewerage...

  • Aug 22, 2023 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Medical Technologies
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    Medical Equipment

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic has received financing from KfW toward the cost of the Programme Mother Child Care IV and V, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contracts for Procurement of Medical, Non-medical Equipment and Medical Furniture for the National Perinatal Center of the National Center of Mother and Child Welfare. The Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for...

  • May 17, 2023 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Building Construction
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    Modernization of the Oblast Maternity Hospital in Talas

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Cancellation of the Prequalificafion Process due to lack of qualifying applicants!

    Construction of a new Perinatal Annex and connection to the existing maternity unit in Talas. The Perinatal Annex will consist of an emergency room, maternity unit and operating theatre on the 1st floor. On the second level there will be a neonatal intensive care unit. The external works include the connection of the main water, electricity and sewerage services. The total area of the new building together with the...

  • Apr 07, 2023 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Agriculture and Forestry
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    Consulting Services, Agro-Business (Value-Chains)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    technical assistance services of an international experienced consultant company (implementation consultant) with proven qualification and experience in the agricultural sector

  • Oct 20, 2022 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Healthcare
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    Medical, Non-medical Equipment and Medical Furniture for the National Perinatal Center

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    due to insufficient participation mainly due to the Covid-19 international restrictions the procurement process of medical and non-medical equipment has been cancelled!

    Lot № 1: Medical Furniture (23 types, 371 pcs)
    Lot № 2: Ventilation equipment (8 types, 41 pcs)
    Lot № 3: CSSD equipment (17 types, 94 pcs)
    Lot № 4: Monitoring equipment (18 types, 222 pcs)
    Lot № 5: Freezing equipment (6 types, 10 pcs)
    Lot № 6: Laboratory equipment (13 types, 22 pcs)
    Lot № 7: Surgical instruments...

  • Sep 13, 2022 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Healthcare
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    Medical Equipment and Furniture for the City TB Hospital Bishkek

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The Employer intends to assign up to three manufacturers and or suppliers for the supply, installation, testing, commissioning, user training and maintenance of goods comprising the following individual lots or any combination of lots:
    Lot 1: Radiology and HDU Equipment
    Lot 2: Laboratory Equipment
    Lot 3: Medical Furniture

  • Feb 18, 2022 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Medical Laboratory Technology and Supplies
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    Supply of Plasmapheresis Kits for Aphaeresis Units of Haemonetics Corporation’s model MCS+

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic informs that the published international competitive bidding (ICB) for the supply of consumables for plasmapheresis kits for apheresis units Haemonetics Corporation MCS+ as part of the implementation of the project "HIV / AIDS Prevention Program - II (Safe blood transfusion)”, published on 28 May 2021, was declared invalid due to the lack of applications that meet the qualification requirements.


  • Dec 22, 2021 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Healthcare
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    Consulting Services, Implementation of a Health Sector Program - Accompanying Measures

    Cancellation Notice KfW/ PQ-Result

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Cancellation of Project 1: Component A
    Requested Services:

    Component A: PforR-Component (Project 1):
    Support to implementation of Primary Health Care Quality Improvement Program (managed by WB) by strengthening service delivery, strategic purchasing, stewardship and governance.

    Component B: Sustainability-Component (Project 2)
    Support by providing sustainable operations and maintenance of health care infrastructure maintenance of medical...

  • Sep 13, 2021 Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Healthcare
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    Consulting, Implementation and Accompanying Measures für Mother and Child Care Project

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The overall aim of the programme is to improve the use of quality maternal and neonatal health services, including referral care, in the respective regions. The Consultant shall provide expertise in engineering, design, construction supervision, and health management to the PEA to ensure an effectual realisation of the project. The Consultant shall be responsible for the support of the PEA in the implementation of the measures of the project.

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