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Tenders (6) Nicaragua (6)
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  • Jul 22, 2024 Tender Notice Nicaragua Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Expansion of a Wastewater Treatment Plant

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    Requested services:
    expansion of the wastewater treatment plant of the city of Managua

  • Jul 22, 2024 Tender Notice Nicaragua Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Expansion and Improvement, Wastewater Disposal (Sandino)

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank/ Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica (BCIE)


    Requested services
    expansion and improvement of the sanitary sewer network and wastewater treatment plant of the city of Sandino (Managua)

  • May 10, 2024 Tender Notice Nicaragua Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Construction of Wastewater Interceptors/Collectors

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank/ Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica (BCIE)


    Requested services
    Expansion of the Sanitary Sewerage Network of the city of Managua
    Lot 1: Construction of Wastewater Interceptor 3 of the City of Managua
    Lot 2: Construction of the Wastewater Collectors: West Section of the Y Collector, Large Sheet and ZZZ Collector of the City of Managua

  • Apr 22, 2024 Tender Notice Nicaragua Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Expansion and Improvement, Wastewater Disposal

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank/ Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica (BCIE)


    Requested services
    Expansion and Improvement of the Sanitary Sewer Network and Wastewater Treatment Plant of the city of Tipitapa

  • Apr 18, 2023 Tender Notice Nicaragua Auditing
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    Consulting Services/Annual Audit (Lake Managua Sanitation Project)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:

    annual audit services for the Financial and Compliance Statements of the Project as of December 31, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027

  • Mar 07, 2023 Tender Notice Nicaragua Environmental Technologies
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    Consulting Services, Environmental Sanitation Program of Lake Managua (Implementation Consultant for Ribera Sur Program)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The Ribera Sur Program (hereinafter the Project) will improve the quality of life of approximately 1.2 million people in the cities of Managua, Tipitapa and Ciudad Sandino, and will contribute to the sanitation of the southern shore of Lake Managua. The objective of the Project is to expand the population's access to sustainable sanitation services through the construction of sewerage networks and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in Ciudad Sandino and Tipitapa, the...

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