German Researchers Achieve Megawatt Charging for E-Trucks
A consortium led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a rapid charging process that will encourage electromobility.
Your company is already operating in Germany and you would now like to export worldwide?
A consortium led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a rapid charging process that will encourage electromobility.
The number of electric vehicles charging stations now clearly exceed 100,000 – a huge increase over the previous year.
Rock Tech Lithium is benefiting from funding commitments of up to EUR 100 million from the eastern German regional state of Brandenburg and Federal Railway Authority.
The European Commission has given the green light to over EUR 900 million in government support for Swedish company Northvolt.
The town of Merklingen in southern Germany has set a new record for the number of electric vehicles that can be repowered at a single installation – and it’s solar powered.
The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and start-up Wingcopter are bringing food to out-of-the-way residents of a western German town.
An examination carried out by RWTH Aachen University and PwC forecasts that battery recycling will become a profitable enterprise in the EU within the next decade or so.
The German government is dramatically increasing its support for electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Livista Energy Europe is investing EUR 600 million to set up its first lithium refinery in Europe in Germany, creating around 200 new jobs.
Germany's mobility revolution is moving at pace, with electric vehicle infrastructure growing and new service models and battery technologies being developed.