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Tender Notice Ethiopia Project Management, Evaluation

Implementation Consultant to Support for the Recovery of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Post-Conflict Areas


  • Country Ethiopia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ515000740/KfW58712
  • Subject Support for the Recovery of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Post-Conflict Areas


The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the overall goal of improving the conditions for inclusive and sustainable economic growth with a focus on post-conflict recovery. More specifically, it aims to increase the flow of financing to MSMEs (Out-come 1), improve the business performance of MSMEs (Outcome 2), and improve the offer-ing of (digital) financial services for MSMEs in conflict-affected areas (Outcome 3).

The overall goal is to contribute to the recovery of the Ethiopian economy in the northern conflict affected regions through increased job creation and economic performance of MSMEs that are underserved by the local financial sector and unable to access new fi-nancing. The project aims to increase access to finance for MSMEs through Partner Finan-cial Institutions (“PFIs”) with a focus on women-owned and youth-owned enterprises.


Requested Consultant services: 

The requested Services of the Implementation Consultant (IC) under this assignment are as follows:

  • Establishment and operationalization of the grant repayment scheme;
  •  Market assessment for renewable energy and energy efficiency investments in Ethi-opia (including supply/demand side and financing availability and strategies);
  •  Consulting services for the development of a structured approach for the promotion and financing of climate-friendly investments by MSMEs through PFIs (incl. definition of green investment and establishing of a climate-friendly positive list);
  • Capacity building for DBE and selected banks in the area of green technologies;
  • Baseline assessment of PFIs and MSMEs during the inception phase, ongoing mon-itoring, and impact assessment, including structuring the implementation of the re-payment scheme and a baseline study for the target region (Afar, Amhara and Tigray);
  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

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