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Tender Notice Ukraine Project Management, Evaluation

Consulting, Organizational Assessment and Development Plan


  • Country Ukraine
  • Deadline Feb 10, 2025
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ202467835/KfW511808
  • Subject Organizational assessment of USIF

Project measures: 

USIF needs to be strengthened institutionally to be able to efficiently use the funds and ensure smooth project implementation in order to be able to absorb more donor funding. The objective of this assignment will consist of three phases:

  • assess the Fund’s activities, its modus operandi and applied procedures and governance, in order to identify strengths and weaknesses (perform SWOT analysis), to 

  • recommend a comprehensive set of measures to be adjusted and reformed and revise the operations manual accordingly; and to

  • support their implementation and the respective change management process; considering the tasks presented below.


Requested Consultant services:

USIF is seeking support of a highly qualified and internationally recognized consultant company with a Ukrainian partner or Ukrainian staff. The consultant is to conduct the 2-phased study of assessment and recommendations. This includes aspects such as USIF´s corporate internal and external governance (Supervisory Board, beneficiary Ministry,) management systems (procedures, MIS, internal control system), Human Resource (HR) policies, organizational structures and effectiveness in managing potential operations financed by donors and others. The team needs to include an accredited auditor. The third phase, i.e. the accompanying support to USIF for the implementation is optional and needs to be endorsed by USIF and KfW. 

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