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Jan 18: New funding program for drain water heat recovery systems (DWHR)

January 2018

The objective of the new “Small series for Environmental Products” funding program is to support the market entry of market-ready technologies. Module 3 of this program is dedicated to decentral units for heat recovery from waste water in buildings. Other units cover micro hydropower plants, local oxygen production systems, and drilling equipment for innovative ground storage heat exchangers.

The following decentral appliances or installations for DWHR in buildings are eligible for funding:

a) Shower channels with heat exchanger;
b) Shower trays with heat exchanger;
c) Shower pipes with heat exchanger;
d) Systems for heat recovery from a whole buildings’ sewage or gray water.

Expenditure for the investment in and installation of the above technologies is eligible for funding up to a maximum of 30 percent of the eligible costs.

For a) to c), the incentive is EUR 250 per DWHR device. Each funding application for a) to c) must be for a minimum of six appliances. In applications covering more than 20 DWHR devices, the incentive decreases to EUR 200 per device. The technology employed in a) to c) has to achieve 25% minimum efficiency at a balanced average flow rate of 12.5 liters per minute.

For technology d) the level of funding is EUR 250 per connected unit (e.g. per shower).In buildings with more than 20 units (e.g. showers), the incentive decreases to EUR 200 per unit Where a secondary gray water network must be installed to enable heat recovery with technology d), additional funding of EUR 300 per connected unit may be granted.

This information is provided as a courtesy only. No claim is made to completeness, accuracy, or timeliness. Further terms and conditions apply. Refer to the original funding conditions for official information.

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