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July 2018: Successful first year for innovative heat networks funding program

July 2018

Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy launched a funding program for innovative heat networks in July 2017 and is now reporting a successful first year. The program supports the planning and construction of heat networks that deliver efficient, environmentally friendly and economic heating and cooling based on renewable energy and waste heat. To date funding has been available for feasibility studies (module I) and system realisation (module II).

BAFA, The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control, which manages the program, has released the following statistics:

  • Module I: 62 applications submitted (39 accepted to date with grants amounting to EUR 3.7 million);
  • Module II: 3 applications submitted;

Market players are showing strong interest in the funding program with a higher number of applications expected in the future.

The application process is now open for the final two modules:

  • Module III: Publicity measures to achieve the necessary connection rates and profitability;
  • Module IV: Support for academic cooperation.

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