Your company is already operating in Germany and you would now like to export worldwide?

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Survey on the Evaluation of the Federal Grant to Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI)

Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) and Prognos AG are currently evaluating the effectiveness of GTAI’s investment promotion activities on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

This appraisal is being carried out in order to develop new perspectives for additional services and support to international investors. That is why we are writing to you today. We would be most grateful if you would use the link to the online survey below to provide us with your own invaluable feedback.

Survey on the evaluation of the federal grant to Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI)

Please also find attached a letter from the BMWi that emphasizes the importance of the survey element to the overall evaluation. No personal data will be collected during the survey and companies need to spend no longer than 15 to 20 minutes in order to complete their response. The results will only be evaluated in aggregated form and will be treated as being strictly confidential.

If you have any questions please contact Mr. Jan Reichert ( at any time.

We would like to thank you in advance for your support and look forward to working with and on your behalf in the future.

Dr. Jürgen Friedrich, Chairman/CEO
Dr. Robert Hermann, CEO

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