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Palestinian territories (6)
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  • Sep 11, 2024 Tender Notice Palestinian territories Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Construction, Wastewater Disposal Nablus East

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank/ EU-Kommission/Europäische Union

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Construction of Sewerage Networks/ Transmission Mains and Design-Build Construction of Nablus East Wastewater Treatment Plant, including Bulk Excavation Works
    Lot 1: Transmission Mains / Sewerage Network (based on Employer’s Design)
    Lot 2: Wastewater Treatment Plant Nablus East (plant and design-build according FIDIC Yellow Book)

  • Apr 18, 2023 Tender Notice Palestinian territories Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Consulting Services, Regional Sewerage Ramallah Project

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The overall objective of the Project is to contribute to an environmentally and hygienically adequate treatment of wastewater in the area of Ramallah, Betunia and Al Bireh. The Project will contribute to the protection of water resources, especially of the Mountain Aquifer being an important freshwater resource in the region, and to a reduction of health risks caused by inadequately treated wastewater released to the environment.

    The services requested under this...

  • Jun 01, 2022 Tender Notice Palestinian territories Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting Services, Water Supply Infrastructure

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The purpose of the project is the provision of a reliable, safe and more affordable water supply for the population in three municipalities in the Northern Gaza Strip (City of Gaza, Jabalia, Beit Lahia) as well as strengthening the climate resilience capacities. This project is a package of the ‘Gaza Central Desalination Plant and Associated Works Program’. The program focuses on the implementation of the bulk water network reconfiguration in Northern...

  • Nov 12, 2021 Tender Notice Palestinian territories Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Construction, Sewage Disposal

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The Tendering Process for the above mentioned project is cancelled as the technical/financial basis of the procurement has changed materially prior to the contract award!

    Requested Services:
    Construction of Sewerage Networks/ Transmission Mains and Design-Build Construction Nablus East Wastewater Treatment Plant. The general objective of the project is to implement wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems in Nablus East including the surrounding villages.

  • Sep 08, 2021 Tender Notice Palestinian territories Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services, Infrastructure Investment Program Gaza (Power Supply/Wastewater/Water)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Detailed design, construction supervision and accompanying measures for multi-sectoral investment program Gaza
    Programme Measures
    The objective of the project is that the power supply of the relevant public infrastructure in Gaza is more reliable, efficient and climate friendly, primarily by rehabilitating existing pump stations, booster stations, and wells, installation of PV-plants all over the Gaza Strip and optionally restructuring of a main sewage transmission...

  • Feb 03, 2020 Tender Notice Palestinian territories Energy, General
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    Consulting Services, Fact Finding Mission (Multi-Sectoral Investment Programme - MIP)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the contract:
    The Multi-Sectoral Investment Program (MIP) of KfW is intended to promote financing in renewable energy sources and to take measures to increase energy efficiency in the power sector. The program is primarily directed towards the population of Gaza who benefits from an improved energy supply and use. In the first phase of the project, PENRA will receive EUR 10 million to implement the programme. A further EUR 30 million is available for a possible follow-up phase.

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