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Serbia (31)
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  • Sep 18, 2024 Tender Notice Serbia Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Consulting Services, Implementation of a Wastewater Programme


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project Measures

    The scope of the present tender consists of the following project measures:

    - Rehabilitation, extension and improvement of sewage and stormwater systems including collection mains and transfer mains, sewerage network, pumping stations etc.;
    - Construction of new central wastewater treatment plants and the rehabilitation/ extension to EU standards of existing central wastewater treatment plants with sludge treatment and biogas reuse (where applicable) and solar sludge...

  • Jul 10, 2024 Tender Notice Serbia Smart Grids
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    Consulting/Construction, Procurement of Plant and Design-Build of Substations Bajina Basta and Obrenovac


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:

    Lot 2: Substations Bajina Basta and Obrenovac. The scope of work includes design, supply, delivery, installation, testing & commissioning for upgrading of the existing 220/35 kV Substation Bajina Bašta to 400 kV level. By this, two new transformers 400/220 kV, 2x400 MVA will be installed and a 400 kV double busbar switchyard consisting of seven bays will be constructed. Equipping Substation Obrenovac with one new 400 kV OHL bay and adaptation of one existing 400 kV OHL bay in...

  • Jul 05, 2024 Tender Notice Serbia Project Management, Evaluation
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    Consulting Services, Accompanying Measure for Promoting Competitiveness in Rural Areas


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project measures:
    The Accompanying measures grant shall support i) MoEcon and associated agencies ii) final beneficiaries as well as iii) PFIs in enhancing essential capacities to achieve the Project´s objective to improve access to financial services for MSMEs as well as farmers, cooperatives and social entrepreneurs in rural areas of Serbia.
    The Services shall encompass the following phases:
    a Pr to improve access to financial services for MSMEs (as well as farmers, cooperatives and social...

  • Apr 16, 2024 Tender Notice Serbia Heating
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    Goods and Construction Works for Rehabilitation and Extension of District Heating Networks

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Extension of District Heating Networks (Pink FIDIC)
    Lot 1: Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Extension of District Heating Networks for JKP Toplana Bor
    Lot 2: Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Extension of District Heating Networks for JP Gradska toplana Jagodina
    Lot 3: Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and...

  • Apr 16, 2024 Tender Notice Serbia Heating
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    Goods and Construction Works, District Heating

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations in District Heating Companies (Pink FIDIC)
    Lot 1: Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations for JKP Toplana Bor
    Lot 2: Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations for JKP Badnjevo Negotin
    Lot 3: Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation...

  • Feb 13, 2024 Tender Notice Serbia Smart Grids
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    Design/Construction of a Substation

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The cancellation is primarily attributed to the lack of meaningful competition, with only one Application received.

    Requested Services
    Lot 2: design, supply, delivery, installation, testing & commissioning for upgrading of the existing 220/35 kV Substation Bajina Bašta to 400 kV level. By this, two new transformers 400/220 kV, 2x400 MVA will be installed and a 400 kV double busbar switchyard consisting of seven bays will be constructed

  • Nov 02, 2023 Tender Notice Serbia Heating
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    Equipment and Works, Rehabilitation of the Boiler House “Cerak” in Belgrade

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    supply of goods and construction works for the rehabilitation of the district heating plant (boiler house) Cerak in Belgrade, which operates the three hot water boilers VK1 (58MW), VK2 (58 MW) and VK3 (116 MW)

  • Oct 06, 2023 Tender Notice Serbia Heating
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    Design/Construction, Rehabilitation of District Heating Systems

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Design, Supply and Installation of Heat Production Facilities for the Rehabilitation of District Heating Systems
    Lot 1: Design, Supply and Installation of Heat Production Facilities for the Rehabilitation of the District Heating Systems of the JKP Toplana Leskovac
    Lot 2: Design, Supply and Installation of Heat Production Facilities for the Rehabilitation of the District Heating Systems of the JKP Badnjevo Negotin
    Lot 3: Design, Supply and Installation of Heat...

  • Aug 18, 2023 Tender Notice Serbia Energy Efficiency
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    Consulting Services, Energy Efficient Reconstruction of Public Buildings

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:

    Qualified independent consultants are invited to submit prequalification documents for consulting services for the implementation of the a.m. project. The project comprises the energy efficient reconstruction and modernization of selected public buildings.The Consultant shall provide assistance in quality enhancement and assurance related issues, energy efficiency consulting, the project monitoring, assistance in disbursement, claim and administration related tasks,...

  • Aug 08, 2023 Tender Notice Serbia Financial Services
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    Consulting, Technical Assistance for the Green Economy Facility

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The objective of the Services is to support the PFI to successfully implement their respective Credit Lines to enable MSMEs, public utility companies and municipalities to finance ”green investments” in accordance with the agreed eligibility criteria and the Sustainability Guideline of KfW Development Bank. The potential investors, especially the municipalities and public utility companies, shall be supported in the assessment of the investments and their eligibility...

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