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Markets Germany 2/23 - MAKING CONNECTIONS

Necessity is sparking new demand for energy efficiency in Germany.

Cover Markets Germany 2/22 Cover Markets Germany 2/22 | © GTAI/KammanRossi

Energy  efficiency  is  an  often  underappreciated  but absolutely vital aspect of Germany’s energy transition. So we’ve decided to make that our top story this time around.

Efficiency can take many forms. It can be about technology: the classic “get more out than what you  put  in”  model  of  the  heat pump.  It can be about maximizing the performance of solar power cells to better capture the sun’s energy. It can be  about  using  surplus  industrial heat to keep buildings and whole neighborhoods warm. Or it can be about developing systems that allow us to be more flexible in how and when we use energy. These are all important levers in Germany’s plans to become CO2 -neutral by 2045.

Historically,  Germany  has  been  a  country  that has  relied  on  technology  and  innovation,  not  vast  stocks  of  natural  resources.  So  it  stands  to reason that Europe’s largest economy must also be a leader in energy efficiency. But there is both a demand and space within the market for international companies to come here and prosper as part of this transition.

Energy is a serious topic — perhaps the most critical  challenge  facing  the  world  today  —  but  we also find time in this issue for a bit of recreation and relaxation. The fitness industry has emerged from the coronavirus pandemic in robust health and more diverse than ever before. And Germans are traveling again, albeit in different ways and to different destinations, which means fresh opportunities in the tourism sector. So we invite you to sit back and enjoy a bit of mental stimulation with this issue of Markets Germany.

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