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Cambodia (7)
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  • Jan 17, 2025 Tender Notice Cambodia Epidemic Prevention
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    Consulting Services, Project Implementation Consultant (One Health)


    Deadline: Feb 17, 2025

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The One Health 4 Cambodia (OH4CAM) project (the “Project”) aims to establish a comprehensive and sustainable One Health (OH) framework in Cambodia to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR), zoonotic diseases (ZDs), and emerging infectious diseases (EIDs).

    Requested Services:
    The Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) procured under this tender shall primarily lead the preparation of all required technical activities and documentation, preparing and implementing required procurements and...

  • Sep 04, 2024 Tender Notice Cambodia Smart Grids
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    Extension of the medium voltage grid (Package B)

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    Requested services:
    design, engineering, procurement and construction of
    Extension of the medium voltage grid (either 22 or/and 35 kV, incl. station
    transformers) in the rural areas of Kampong Thom, Oddar Meanchey,
    Preah Vihear and Siem Reap provinces

  • Dec 14, 2023 Tender Notice Cambodia Project Management, Evaluation
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    Consulting Services, Feasibility Study and Preparation of an Environmental & Social Management Framework

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The objective of the Energy Efficiency in Rural Power Supply Phase II (the “Project”) is to upgrade and expand distribution and transmission infrastructure for increased access to energy, improved electricity services for the rural population and to contribute to primary energy savings.
    The tentative scope of the Project’s investment measures are the following:
    Component 1: Extension of the medium voltage distribution grid (either 22kV or/and 35kV, incl. station...

  • Mar 30, 2023 Tender Notice Cambodia Healthcare
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    Consulting Services, Feasibility Study for One Health 4 CAM”

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    The overall objective of the assignment is to provide an overall feasible concept for the sustainable implementation of an Integrated One Health Architecture and related measures. This concept has to clearly outline how it will deliver transformative change onto the OneHealth architecture in Cambodia. As entry points for the One Health Architecture addressed here will serve the following three areas: 1) Antimicrobial Resistance Reduction; 2) Reduction of the risk of disease...

  • Aug 03, 2022 Tender Notice Cambodia Energy
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    Consulting, Expansion of Power Supply System

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    This advertisement for prequalification refers to the services to be rendered and financed under the TA. The Consultant shall mainly cooperate with EDC in the successful implementation of the project.
    The duties shall comprise but are not limited to assistance in the following areas:
    Conduct all tasks during the “Procurement Phase” under the supervision of EDC until award of an EPC Contract, such as review services, the preparation of tender documents while...

  • Nov 26, 2021 Tender Notice Cambodia Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services/Project Implementation, Rural Infrastructure Development

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The Rural Infrastructure Development Program for Cambodia (the “Project” or “RID4CAM”) aims to promote pro-poor growth and improve the living conditions in the rural areas of the five project provinces Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, Battambang, Kandal and Preah Vihea by
    climate resilient rehabilitation and upgrading of about 550 km of strategic rural roads,
    rehabilitation of complementary tertiary rural roads,
    construction of other small infrastructure with a high...

  • Jul 07, 2021 Tender Notice Cambodia Medical Technologies
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    Medical Equipment for Mother and New-born Care

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The Ministry of Health (MOH) represented through the Department of Planning and Health Information of the Kingdom of Cambodia has received financing from KfW toward the cost of the Vouchers for Reproductive Health Services and Health Services to Vulnerable Groups Project Phase II, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract(s) for the Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Basic MNBC (Mother and New-born Care)...

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