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Tender Notice El Salvador Climate Change

Consulting Services, Climate Change Adaption (Green and Gray Infrastructure)

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country El Salvador
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201768720/KFW506683
  • Subject Urban Adaptation to Climate Change Program in Central America – El Salvador


The acquisition process has been cancelled because the economic offers submitted by the bidders are substantially higher than the available budget.

Program description:

It encompasses green and gray infrastructure measures to reduce the risks of flooding, landslides, and wind, as well as the strengthening of institutions and the population. The objective of the program is to protect and prepare the beneficiary population living in Precarious Urban Settlements (AUP – Asentamientos Urbanos Precarios) and the infrastructure located in the program's intervention area within the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (AMSS – Área Metropolitana de San Salvador) against the risks of climate change. The program is open, which means that the places of intervention and the specific measures to be carried out will be defined within the framework of the initial planning of the same.

Requested consulting services description:

  • The Consulting Firm must support both Implementing Units with the following: preparation of the Operating Regulations and Program Execution Plan; Review of the Results Matrix; Prioritization, selection and participatory planning of specific infrastructure measures and areas to intervene; Identification, planning, and implementation of Institutional and Community Strengthening guidelines; Implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Framework, Resettlement Policy; Identification and execution of the Social Management Plan with emphasis on community and local organization; Procurement and contracting processes; Supervision and liquidation of construction works; Receipt and acceptance of goods and services for the execution of the Program; Design and implementation of the program's impact monitoring system; Scheduling and control of the use of Cooperation funds; Periodic preparation of reports on the progress of the plan and others that are related to its execution

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