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from 8/1/20 (901)
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  • Aug 06, 2020 Tender Notice Ukraine Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Rehabilitation and Modernisation of Water Supply Infrastructure in Chernivtsi

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Intended Project Measures / Main Works:
    Lot 1:
    Transmission Main
    Replacement of pipe sections
    Rehabilitation and adaptation of above ground support pillars (800m pipe section above ground) in landslide critical areas
    Temporary access road (700m)
    Replacement of Valves and fittings
    Rehabilitation of existing valve chambers
    City Network and Zoning
    Replacement of 43 km of WS pipelines + 2 km new pipelines
    Reconstruction of all house connections (estimated to be approx.

  • Aug 10, 2020 Tender Notice Afghanistan Employment Promotion
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    Consulting, Integration of Returnees and IDPs

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project measures:
    Project activities will comprise cash-for work measures, support of existing and new companies for job placement and qualification, construction and rehabilitation of SME business hubs and markets. The project will be implemented by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) over a period of 4 years. The project area will be Herat and will potentially be extended to a second location (possibly Mazar-e-Sharif).

  • Aug 17, 2020 Tender Notice Zambia Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services, Local Public Infrastructure Development

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the contract:
    The Project is a continuation of the ongoing projects (SLGZ I and SLGZ-III) and provides funding for local public infrastructure (bus stations and markets) in four selected Districts in Eastern Province.

    Requested consulting services:
    • The Task Force shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Programme; Implementation and/or validation of surveys and preparatory studies to guide the identification of priority investment measures, based on both...

  • Aug 20, 2020 Tender Notice Benin Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Construction and Rehabilitation, Water Supply - FOR INFORMATION!

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested services:
    rehabilitation and re-equipping of 7 wells
    supply and installation of equipment for 5 new wells
    supply and installation of a raw water pipeline (ca. 5,7 km)
    rehabilitation of the waterworks Ouando
    supply and installation of remotely controlled measuring systems

  • Aug 27, 2020 Tender Notice Montenegro Measuring, Regulation Technology
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    Energy Monitoring System for Public Buildings

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the contract:
    Supply of hardware for centralized (server based) core system components and software. Services will include installation, an initial setup of the EMS system including master data, training, maintenance and support, etc. Installation will be performed for automatic data gathering (electricity, water, heat/fuel, indoor/ambient temperature) in approx. 250 public buildings and for billing information in approx. 2,500 public buildings throughout Montenegro

  • Aug 28, 2020 Tender Notice Ethiopia Agriculture and Forestry
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    Consulting Services, Agricultural Mechanization Leasing Project

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the contract:
    The project aims at the promotion of agricultural mechanization through leasing in form of Hire-Purchase transactions. The purpose of the project is to expedite the import of long-lasting and adequate agricultural machines and implements, to support DBE and the relevant line ministry (Ministry of Agriculture, MoA) by building internal capacities, procedures, know-how etc., which are required to offer leasing for agricultural machines and implements in a sustainable...

  • Aug 31, 2020 Tender Notice Serbia Water Collection
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    Design and Construction, Water Supply

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The Procurement procedure for the planned activities: “Designing and building of Water Treatment Plant Kikinda at Šumice well field, including a clear water reservoir and a treated water pumping station” was – in accordance with KfW Guidelines – cancelled on 20th August 2020.

    Planned activities:
    Designing and building of Water Treatment Plant Kikinda at Šumice well field, including a clear water reservoir and a treated water pumping station. Capacity 150 l/s. The water treatment...

  • Sep 01, 2020 Tender Notice India Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services/Project Management, Reconstruction of Roads after Flooding (Kerala)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the contract:
    Climate-Resilient Reconstruction after Flooding in Kerala
    Project Measures:
    The heavy monsoon of 2018 brought widespread flooding to several districts of Kerala damaging about 2,000 km of state highways and 13,000 km of major district roads across 14 districts. PWD is considering developing a more sustainable and climate resilient asset stock in the medium to long term. For that purpose, approximately 700 km of roads will be selected following prioritization study...

  • Sep 07, 2020 Tender Notice Serbia Smart Grids
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    Construction of 400 kV Transmission Line

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the contract:
    Lot 1 - The contract scope includes supply of all still necessary equipment and materials, transportation, insurance, packing, unloading, temporary storage, construction works, provision of access roads, all required tests, preparation of As – Built Design, commissioning, warranty during Defect Notification Period of the 400kV Single Circuit Transmission Line Kragujevac 2 - Kraljevo 3 with approximate length of 59km.

  • Sep 07, 2020 Tender Notice Serbia Smart Grids
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    Upgrading/Extension of Substations

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the contract:

    Lot 2 - The contract scope includes design, supply of all still necessary equipment and materials, transportation, insurance, packing, unloading, temporary storage, construction works, provision of access road, all necessary tests, preparation of As – Built Design, commissioning, warranty during Defect Notification Period of:
    · Upgrading of 220/110kV Kraljevo 3 Substation to 400/220/110kV
    · Extension of 400/220/110kV Kragujevac 2 Substation with a...

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