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Zambia (6)
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  • Jan 09, 2024 Tender Notice Zambia Nature and Species Protection, Resources Conservation
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    Construction of a Ranger Station

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    Requested services:
    Construction of a ranger station at Imusho in Sioma Ngwezi National Park (SNNP) comprising 1 x operation office, 10 x staff houses, and associated bulk services such as water, sewerage, solid waste management, solar electricity system, and internal tracks

  • Jan 26, 2023 Tender Notice Zambia Hydroelectricity
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    Consulting Services, Rehabilitation/Construction of Hydropower Plant (Project Implementation)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The existing Chishimba Falls Hydropower Plant, with its initial construction in 1959, is at the end of its lifetime. The project of rehabilitation and uprating consists mainly of retirement of station A and turning the same to a museum, complete rehabilitation of station B installations as further stated below with new E&M Equipment and rehabilitated and adopted civil structures of the B waterway and an enlargement of the entire facility with a brand new station C of...

  • Aug 24, 2022 Tender Notice Zambia Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services/Design, Climate Resilient Infrastructure Construction

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The Ministry of Local Government (MLG), through Choma, Kalomo, Gwembe, Mazabuka, Monze, Pemba and Sinazongwe District Councils, has been allocated funds from a grant received by the German Development Bank KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) under the Strengthening of Local Governance in Zambia Phase III (SLGZ III) – Climate Resilient Decentralised Infrastructure and intends to apply part of the financing for Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) Services.

  • Nov 29, 2021 Tender Notice Zambia Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting Services for Urban Water Supply - Chipata

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Principal Interventions:
    to replace and/or rehabilitate the existing pipes and service connections and/or water-posts which form large portions of the distribution network and which are responsible for major water losses when operating under high pressure;
    to restructure the network and establish District Metered Areas (DMA-zones) which will control the operating pressures, offer operational improvements and contribute to loss reduction for EWSC and give more...

  • Nov 06, 2020 Tender Notice Ethiopia Financing
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    Consulting Services, Global Crop Diversity Trust

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Consulting Services for strengthening the Global Crop Diversity Trust capacity to implement project activities in Africa
    Brief description of the project:
    The Capitalisation of the Endowment Fund of the Global Crop Diversity Trust and Strengthening of National Seedbanks project aims to empower national seed collections, by safeguarding them in perpetuity through an endowment fund, documenting and managing them appropriately for conservation and use, and promoting...

  • Aug 17, 2020 Tender Notice Zambia Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services, Local Public Infrastructure Development

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the contract:
    The Project is a continuation of the ongoing projects (SLGZ I and SLGZ-III) and provides funding for local public infrastructure (bus stations and markets) in four selected Districts in Eastern Province.

    Requested consulting services:
    • The Task Force shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Programme; Implementation and/or validation of surveys and preparatory studies to guide the identification of priority investment measures, based on both...

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