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Water Technologies (100)
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  • Sep 23, 2024 - Nov 07, 2024 Event Germany Structural Change

    Inbound Delegation Trips to Germany

    Germany Trade & Invest is hosting inbound delegation trips to Germany for companies and Institutions with focus on several industries. Come and see what Germany has to offer your business.

  • Sep 19, 2024 Tender Notice Jordan Architecture, Engineering Services
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    Implementation Consultant for Project Implementation Support, Construction Supervision and Supervision of Operation (Waste Water Treatment)

    Correction/ PQ-Result

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Recently, two Feasibility Studies investigated the “biogas potential” of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) across Jordan which mainly apply the extended aeration process. The studies recommended to upgrade the treatment processes of WWTPs South Amman and West Jerash to anaerobic sludge digestion and electricity generation by biogas. WAJ in this tender process is seeking to engage a qualified consultant to perform consulting services to support the implementation of the necessary...

  • Sep 18, 2024 Tender Notice Serbia Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Consulting Services, Implementation of a Wastewater Programme


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project Measures

    The scope of the present tender consists of the following project measures:

    - Rehabilitation, extension and improvement of sewage and stormwater systems including collection mains and transfer mains, sewerage network, pumping stations etc.;
    - Construction of new central wastewater treatment plants and the rehabilitation/ extension to EU standards of existing central wastewater treatment plants with sludge treatment and biogas reuse (where applicable) and solar sludge...

  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Bolivia Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Design-Build of the Motacusal Wastewater Treatment Plant in Santa Cruz de la Sierra


    Deadline: Oct 28, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    detailed design, provision, construction, assembly, and commissioning of the new wastewater treatment plant; the new plant shall be designed for 263,000 pe
    The work will be carried out in accordance with the Contract (FIDIC Yellow Book, 1999).

  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Iraq Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services, Project Implementation (Municipal Infrastructure)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project measures:
    The currently envisaged Project measures are as follow:
    Construction of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to supply potable water to Al Khidr district and ensure operation and maintenance for one year;
    Disposal of brine (pipeline or other adequate option to be agreed between MoCHMPW, Muthanna Water Directorate (MWD) and KfW);
    Reservoirs for distribution, pumping stations and enlargement of the existing water distribution network;
    Consulting Services including detailed design and...

  • Sep 11, 2024 Tender Notice Palestinian territories Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Construction, Wastewater Disposal Nablus East

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank/ EU-Kommission/Europäische Union

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Construction of Sewerage Networks/ Transmission Mains and Design-Build Construction of Nablus East Wastewater Treatment Plant, including Bulk Excavation Works
    Lot 1: Transmission Mains / Sewerage Network (based on Employer’s Design)
    Lot 2: Wastewater Treatment Plant Nablus East (plant and design-build according FIDIC Yellow Book)

  • Sep 04, 2024 Tender Notice Georgia Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Construction Services, Rehabilitation of Communal Infrastructure of New Batumi (BAT V)

    Deadline: Oct 21, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Construction of an additional 5,200 m3 volume water chamber adjacent to the existing Injalo reservoir, including sodium hypochlorite chlorination unit for all reservoirs, construction of a new sewer PS A, to be constructed fully in parallel with the operating old PS A, including: deep excavations up to 11m, with a high ground water table (sheet piling and grout pit bottom stabilisation measures are required); supply and installation of 6 dry installed pumps 305 l/s @ 50 m; two...

  • Sep 03, 2024 Tender Notice Jordan Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Construction of a Sewerage System (South-West Amman)


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Construction of Sewerage System for Naur, Marj Al-Hammam and Wadi As-sir (3 lots)
    Works for each of the three lots include, but not limited to, the following: Supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of about 40km new gravity sewer corrugated HDPE pipelines of 250 mm, 315mm, 400 mm (OD) in all types of surfaces, including related corrugated HDPE manholes up to 5m depth, and reinforced concrete manholes for more than 5m depth, in addition to ductile iron and carbon steel...

  • Aug 07, 2024 Tender Notice Morocco Environmental Technologies
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    Implementation of a Measurement and Control System for Collecting and Evaluating Hydro-Climatological Data


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested services:
    Consulting services for the implementation of a hydrological measurement and control system of hydro-climatological data; studies, design, tendering and supervision of the construction works of the control stations, preparation of E&S studies, O&M measures; control systems of water use, alert system for flood protection, integrated data management, organisational and human resources development.

  • Aug 05, 2024 Tender Notice Georgia Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Construction Works, Water Distribution Network of the City of Samtredia


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services
    Construction of the following works for the main water supply networks in the city of Samtredia:
    Replacement of approx. 40 km of existing pipes including reconnection of 3,750 house connections
    Laying of approx. 1.5 km of new pipes (densification of network) including installation of approx. 220 house connections.
    Laying approx. 60 km of new pipes including 1,760 house connections
    Metering 55 multistore buildings

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