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Calls for Bids and Procurement (134)
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  • Feb 26, 2021 Tender Notice Somalia Building Construction
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    Consulting Services/Construction Planning, Network of TVET + Service Hubs

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The project aims at creating a network of ‘’TVET+ service hubs’’ in Somalia. The project will be contractually split into Phase I and an optional Phase II as the extension will only be implemented after a mid-term evaluation in year 2. Phase I shall comprise the implementation in Galkayo in year 1 and 2. Phase II shall include the implementation in Jowhar and Baioda in years 3-6 (optional).
    Requested consulting services:
    The services requested under this assignment...

  • Feb 22, 2021 Tender Notice Tajikistan Hydroelectricity
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    Consulting, Feasibility Study for Hydropower Project Sebzor

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    For the realisation of the Sebzor HPP, Pamir Energy now intends to engage the services of a reputable consulting firm (or joint venture) to provide engineering consultancy services as Project Implementation Consultant (PIC). The PIC services are divided into 2 phases.

  • Jan 18, 2021 Tender Notice Tunesia Photovoltaics
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    Consulting Services, PV Promotion Programme

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract
    Consulting services for the above programme which foresees the promotion of the utilization of PV installations in public buildings, i.a. definition of working procedures for the promotion programme, development of incentive mechanisms to attract public institutions, communication and sensitization measures for the relevant stakeholders, establishment of a portfolio for PV projects, coordination of engineering firms, support for the selection of service providers and...

  • Jan 08, 2021 Tender Notice Uzbekistan Medical Laboratory Technology and Supplies
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    Consulting Services, Complete setup of the newly-established National Reference Laboratory (Project Implementation)

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The project objectives are to provide modern diagnostics and data processing equipment to the newly established National Reference Laboratory (NRL), introduce quality management and laboratory information systems at the NRL, and renovate selected oblast laboratories across Uzbekistan.
    Requested Services:
    Conduct a needs assessment of the oblast laboratories and support the Employer in the selection of oblast laboratories to be supported through the project (including considerations of...

  • Dec 11, 2020 Tender Notice Peru Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Consulting Services, Sanitation Programme

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract
    1. The objective of the "Sector Program for Sewage and Wastewater Treatment in Provincial Cities" ("WWTP Program") is to increase the coverage of adequate and sustainable treatment of wastewater and sustainable access to sewerage services in cities of provinces. For this, the Program prioritizes investments aimed at construction, rehabilitation, optimization and/or expanding wastewater treatment plants.
    2. The services required refer exclusively to the implementation...

  • Nov 25, 2020 Tender Notice India Public Transportation
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    Implementation Consultant Services, Modernisation of Bus Services

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    International, open Tender for Consulting Services: Climate-friendly Modernisation of Bus Services in Major Cities of Tamil Nadu – Implementation Consultant Services
    Project measures: Under the “Climate-friendly Modernisation of Bus Services in Major Cities of Tamil Nadu” project (the “Project”), the German Financial Cooperation (“German FC”) will support the PEA and the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (“TNSTC”) in their envisaged reform program for Tamil...

  • Nov 11, 2020 Tender Notice Ukraine Environmental Technologies
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    Consulting Services, Municipal Water Infrastructure (Chernivtsi)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    - Update of Feasibility Study for Phase 2 and Feasibility Study for Phase 3
    - Separate TEOs (including all surveys and inspections required by the standing Ukrainian law) for Phase 2 and Phase 3 and their subsequent approval by the Ukrainian State Expertise
    - Elaboration of a concept and a feasibility study on connection of the amalgamated communities around Chernivtsi to the water main. This project shall be treated as a separate one from the existing loan...

  • Nov 04, 2020 Tender Notice Namibia Recycling & Waste Management
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    Implementation Consultant for Solid Waste Management in Protected Areas Namibia

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The Project concerns the development of waste management implementation and operation plans for targeted national parks, the building of relevant infrastructure, along with an implementation of adequate waste management structures within the relevant ministries and a piloting of waste avoidance concepts. The Project shall finance predominantly the investments required for the establishment of waste management systems in the National Parks. The following major...

  • Nov 04, 2020 Tender Notice India Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Consulting Services, Storm Water Drainage Programme Chennai

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The project targets the improvement of the living conditions of the urban population of Chennai living in the Kovalam catchment area through improvement of storm water management and substantial reduction of flooding of low-lying areas.
    Requested Consultant services:
    Project management, detailed design, tender documents, procurement assistance, supervision and contract management of infrastructure and supply projects related to storm water management (open canals...

  • Oct 19, 2020 Tender Notice Colombia Project Management, Evaluation
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    Consulting Services, Small Grants Programme (Forest and Climate Change)

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    This Invitation to Prequalification, published on 20/05/2019 has been CANCELLED
    Requested services:
    Consulting services to "Design and implement an administration and execution scheme for a special small grants program (up to USD 30,000 per initiative, total fund up to USD 650,000) aimed at indigenous women of the Amazon Biome"
    Brief description of the Project: The consultant should achieve the following goals:
    First Component: Administration Resources procedures.
    Second Component: Design and...

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