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Tenders (864) KfW Entwicklungsbank (864)
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  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Iraq Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services, Project Implementation (Municipal Infrastructure)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project measures:
    The currently envisaged Project measures are as follow:
    Construction of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to supply potable water to Al Khidr district and ensure operation and maintenance for one year;
    Disposal of brine (pipeline or other adequate option to be agreed between MoCHMPW, Muthanna Water Directorate (MWD) and KfW);
    Reservoirs for distribution, pumping stations and enlargement of the existing water distribution network;
    Consulting Services including detailed design and...

  • Sep 16, 2024 Tender Notice Benin Plant Production
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    Construction, Establishment of Rice and Vegetable Fields

    Deadline: Oct 31, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    execution of works for the establishment of two rice and two vegetable fields in the villages of Founga (Djougou) and Alayomdè (Ouaké) in the Donga department (two lots)

  • Sep 16, 2024 Tender Notice Guatemala Vocational Education
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    Procurement of Equipment for TVET Workshops (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

    Update/ Addendum

    Deadline: Oct 08, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Procurement of equipment for Physics, Chemistry and Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Biological Sciences Workshops

  • Sep 15, 2024 Tender Notice Peru Recycling & Waste Management
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    Consulting, Preparation of Scrappage Program (Urban Transport)


    Deadline: Oct 15, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Within the framework of the National Sustainable Urban Transport Program (PROMOVILIDAD), the Vehicle Scrappage Programs in the cities in its area of intervention, such as the Province of Trujillo, are aimed at contributing to sustainable urban transport.
    To support this work, it is planned to hire a consultant whose scope is the "Preparation of the Scrappage Program for the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo”, Department of La Libertad".

    Requested Services:
    Consulting services for the...

  • Sep 13, 2024 Tender Notice Zambia Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Road and Drainage Works in Southern Province of Zambia


    Deadline: Nov 15, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Contracting services for Climate Resilient Decentralised Infrastructure (Road and Drainage Works) in Southern Province of Zambia

    Bid Lot 1: Choma Council

    Bid Lot 2: Kalomo Council

    Bid Lot 3: Sinazongwe Council

    Bid Lot 4: Mazabuka Council

    Bid Lot 5: Monze Council

    Bid Lot 6: Gwembe Council

    Bid Lot 7: Pemba Council

  • Sep 13, 2024 Tender Notice Ethiopia Vocational Education
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    Supply of Equipment for Technical Training Institutes

    Deadline: Nov 14, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Supply, Delivery and Commissioning of Equipment for Technical Training Institutes in Ethiopia: for Multiple Trades and Classroom Equipment. The tender consists of 7 lots:
    Lot No. 1: Automotive Engineering Equipment
    Lot No. 2: Hotel and Kitchen Equipment
    Lot No. 3: Garment Processing Equipment
    Lot No. 4: General Metal Fabrication and Welding Equipment
    Lot No. 5: Woodwork and Furniture Production Equipment
    Lot No. 6: Classroom Furniture
    Lot No. 7: IT Equipment for Smart Classrooms...

  • Sep 13, 2024 Tender Notice North Macedonia Hydroelectricity
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    Construction/Supply, Flow Measurement and Dam Monitoring System (Lot 5)


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    The Project is the third rehabilitation phase of the Six Hydro Power Plants Programme and comprises several mechanical, electrical and construction measures for the rehabilitation of six large Hydropower Plants (HPP) in the Republic of North Macedonia, owned by ESM (HPP Vrutok, HPP Vrben; HPP Raven; HPP Tikves; HPP Spilje; HPP Globochica), as well as on two dams (Mavrovo and Globocica) and other associated structures.

    Requested Services:

    Plant and Design-Build services for the...

  • Sep 13, 2024 Tender Notice Tunesia Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting Services, Drinking Water Supply Network and PV-Solar Park

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Preparation of the preliminary and detailed studies as well as the environmental impact studies for the second phase of the construction of a drinking water supply network and a PV-Solar park in rural parts of the governorate of Béja

  • Sep 12, 2024 Tender Notice Benin Plant Production
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    Procurement of Geotextiles for Agricultural Soils

    Deadline: Oct 28, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    procurement of 246,496 m2 geotextiles in Tanguiéta, Boukombé, Bassila, Djougou und Ouaké

  • Sep 12, 2024 Tender Notice Iraq Smart Grids
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    Supply Equipment for Al Kesek 132 kV GIS Substation

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief Description of the Contract:

    Perform all work including, but not limited to, designing, fabricating, delivery of Material and Equipment including but not limited to 132 kV GIS, HV cables, Protection, Metering, and Control Systems and Spare parts/Special tools. The Supplier shall be responsible for the detailed scope of work and detailed design of equipment involved to ensure proper functioning of these facilities. Supplier shall design, and manufacture all equipment based on the existing...

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