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Tenders (36) Photovoltaics (36)
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  • Sep 19, 2024 Tender Notice Namibia Photovoltaics
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    Engineering/Procurement/Construction, PV Project

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief Description of the Contract:

    engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of the Rosh Pinah 70MW PV Project

  • Sep 13, 2024 Tender Notice Tunesia Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting Services, Drinking Water Supply Network and PV-Solar Park

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Preparation of the preliminary and detailed studies as well as the environmental impact studies for the second phase of the construction of a drinking water supply network and a PV-Solar park in rural parts of the governorate of Béja

  • Aug 30, 2024 Tender Notice Nepal Photovoltaics
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    Design and Construction of Photovoltaic Systems

    Deadline Extension

    Deadline: Sep 27, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested services:
    Design, supply and installation of three grid connected utility-scale ground-mounted photovoltaic systems in Middle Marshyangdi Hydroelectric Project (Lamjung) at least 1.6 MW, in Surkhet at least 2.0 MW and in Gandak (Nawalparasi) at least 5.8 MW, respectively. (FIDIC Yellow Book)

  • Aug 29, 2024 Tender Notice Uganda Photovoltaics
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    Development and Financing of Mini-grids (PPP)


    Deadline: Oct 10, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Develop, finance, implement and maintain mini-grids in northern, central and eastern regions of Uganda under a Public Private Partnership with the objective of rural electrification

  • Aug 28, 2024 Tender Notice Ghana Photovoltaics
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    Consulting, Management and Implementation of the “Government Goes Solar” Project


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested services
    The Government Goes Solar (GGS) Project concerns the installation of distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems (e.g. on rooftops, car ports and open fields) with an estimated total generation capacity of 22 MWp. The solar PV systems shall contribute to the climate-friendly and cost-effective coverage of the electricity demand of up to thirty-eight (38) selected Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and selected Public Tertiary Institutions (PTIs) in Ghana. German bilateral...

  • Aug 09, 2024 Tender Notice Senegal Energy
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    Consulting, Assistance in the Implementation of The Green Energy for All Project


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The objective of the project is to enhance electricity supply in isolated rural areas through the development of climate-friendly renewable energy sources. This will be achieved by installing photovoltaic power plants, battery energy storage systems, connecting households, public infrastructure, and other potential clients, as well as establishing an electricity distribution network and kits in villages. Additionally, the villages will be connected to the photovoltaic power plants.

  • Jul 11, 2024 Tender Notice Georgia Photovoltaics
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    Consulting, Feasibility Study and Technical Specifications (Solar Power)


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested services:

    Qualified independent consultants are invited to submit prequalification documents for consulting services of the a.m. project. The consulting services comprise the preparation of a fully-fledged Feasibility Study and the preparation of Technical Specifications up to the level of Preliminary Design Documentation.

  • Apr 11, 2024 Tender Notice South Africa Education
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    Consulting Services, Feasibility Study: “Skills for a Green and Just Energy Transition (Skills4JET)”

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The project concerns the elaboration of a Feasibility Study (FS) assessing and preparing measures for expanding the capacities for skills development in Renewable Energies (RE) in South Africa. The purpose of the project is to support South Africa’s Just Energy Transition (JET) process through the promotion of artisanal skills in RE and at the same time seizing employment and income opportunities for a social and inclusive development.
    The FS-Team shall provide...

  • Mar 01, 2024 Tender Notice Bangladesh Energy
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    Consulting Services, Renewable Energy Programme (REP) Implementation

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:

    The overall objective of this assignment is to support Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) in the successful and timely implementation of the second and third phase of the Renewable Energy Program (REP II & III), to be financed under German Financial Cooperation with Bangladesh.
    The principal objective of REP II & III is to improve access to renewable sources, focusing on utility-scale PV and wind power plants, decentralized biogas-based electricity...

  • Jan 30, 2024 Tender Notice Kosovo Project Management, Evaluation
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    Consulting Services, Project Preparation and Implementation (Solar Power Project)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The project comprises: 1) construction of solar collectors with an approx. area of 69,000 m2, 2) construction of a seasonal pit storage with a capacity of approx. 410,000 m3, 3) construction and installation of an absorption heat pump (AHP) with an auxiliary heating component (AHC); and connection with the seasonal storage, 4) construction of an approx.1.6 km connection line between AHP and cogeneration plant transmission line, 5) construction of an approx. 4.2 km connection line between the...

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