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2019 Report: More Jobs Created

Despite a decline in raw numbers, foreign firms that set up shop in Germany in 2019 created far greater employment.

Report summary

The number of foreign companies that came to Germany last year declined by around ten percent from the 2018 record of 1,851. But Germany profited more from their presence, significantly increasing jobs created from 24,000 (2018) to 42,000 (2019). 

“Thanks to successes in attracting foreign investors like Tesla last year, we demonstrated that as a business location Germany is among the absolute world leaders and is able to persuade people internationally,” said German Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier.

Read the 2019 GTAI FDI report press release.

Key findings

  • The greatest number of foreign investment projects in 2019, 302, came from the United States, followed by 185 from Britain, 184 from Switzerland and 154 from China.
  • Additionally, 419 M&A transactions were recorded which involved foreign investors buying up more than 50 percent of shares.
  • The US led the way in terms of greenfield projects with 302, while most of the new facilities were from the EU.
  • The greatest number of investors came from the ICT sector, followed by business and financial services and consumer goods.
  • The amount of money invested rose from EU 4.8 billion in 2018 to EUR 5.1 billion in 2019.
  • 19 percent of the companies use Germany as a production or R&D location.


Download the 2019 GTAI FDI report

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