Processing of personal data in the context of an application procedure
As part of an application process, GTAI collects personal data from applicants in order to make a selection decision. The personal data relates to the person, professional background, education, professional and personal qualifications and, if applicable, information on severe disabilities or equalisation.
The documents submitted as part of an application process (e.g. certificates, CV, cover letter) contain personal data. This data is processed by GTAI for the purpose of establishing an employment relationship in accordance with Art. 88 para. 1 GDPR in conjunction with Section 26 para. 1 and 3 BDSG. § Section 26 (1) and (3) BDSG.
Within GTAI, only those employees who are entrusted with carrying out the application process have access to the personal data. The interest groups (works council, equal opportunities officer and representative body for severely disabled employees) receive the data so that they can fulfil their duties in accordance with the BetrVG, the BGleiG or the SGB IX. The personal data will not be transferred to bodies outside the GTAI or to a country outside the European Union.
No procedures for automated decision-making are used. If the application process leads to recruitment, the documents will become part of the personnel file if they are necessary for the implementation of the employment relationship. Transmitted data that is not required for the fulfilment of the employment relationship will be deleted six months after completion of the application process. If no employment relationship is established, the transmitted data will be deleted six months after completion of the application process. If an application is withdrawn before the application process is completed, the data will be deleted immediately.