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Tenders (869)
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  • Sep 19, 2024 Tender Notice Germany Hydrogen
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    Supply Contract, Purchase of Green Hydrogen Derivatives (Ammonia)

    Tender Award

    Financing: Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD)

    Project measures:
    This tender is part of H2Global, an instrument for the competition-based promotion of the market ramp-up of hydrogen and its derivatives on an industrial scale, which are produced using electricity from renewable energy sources. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection is providing funding of EUR 900 million for the H2Global instrument to support projects in countries where green hydrogen and its derivatives can be produced cost-effectively. Green technologies...

  • Sep 19, 2024 Tender Notice Namibia Banks, Credit Institutions
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    Consulting Services, Credit Line for Climate Projects (Accompanying Measure)

    Expression of Interest - Prequalification

    Deadline: Oct 21, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    institutional strengthening of the Development Bank of Namibia as a project executing agency (PEA) for Financial Corporation projects, including a) improvement of capacity through a talent management program, b) development and co-implementation of a holistic credit risk management strategy, c) assistance for project preparation and further development of the project pipeline, d) portfolio restructuring, e) IT support, f) support for capital market strategy and g) strategic...

  • Sep 19, 2024 Tender Notice Jordan Architecture, Engineering Services
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    Implementation Consultant for Project Implementation Support, Construction Supervision and Supervision of Operation (Waste Water Treatment)

    Correction/ PQ-Result

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Recently, two Feasibility Studies investigated the “biogas potential” of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) across Jordan which mainly apply the extended aeration process. The studies recommended to upgrade the treatment processes of WWTPs South Amman and West Jerash to anaerobic sludge digestion and electricity generation by biogas. WAJ in this tender process is seeking to engage a qualified consultant to perform consulting services to support the implementation of the necessary...

  • Sep 19, 2024 Tender Notice Namibia Photovoltaics
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    Engineering/Procurement/Construction, PV Project

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief Description of the Contract:

    engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of the Rosh Pinah 70MW PV Project

  • Sep 18, 2024 Tender Notice Uzbekistan Building Construction
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    Consulting Services for Project Implementation (Training Simulation Centre)


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    The Project will finance the establishment of a Training Simulation Centre in the city of Termez (TSTC), which shall strengthen and improve the quality of medical training through intensive use of modern learning methods e.g. simulation based learning, self-learning, interactive lectures and online teaching and learning, and an intensive form of practical medical training focusing on real life situations in priority clinical areas.

    Requested Services:

    The objective of the...

  • Sep 18, 2024 Tender Notice Serbia Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Consulting Services, Implementation of a Wastewater Programme


    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project Measures

    The scope of the present tender consists of the following project measures:

    - Rehabilitation, extension and improvement of sewage and stormwater systems including collection mains and transfer mains, sewerage network, pumping stations etc.;
    - Construction of new central wastewater treatment plants and the rehabilitation/ extension to EU standards of existing central wastewater treatment plants with sludge treatment and biogas reuse (where applicable) and solar sludge...

  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Kosovo Vocational Education
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    Procurement of Metalworking and ICT Equipment (TVET)

    Deadline: Oct 31, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    procurement of metalworking and ICT equipment for the technologically newest CNC machines within the Architecture and interior design laboratory and CAD programs laboratory of the Center of Competence in Skënderaj (2 lots)

  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Côte d'Ivoire Medical Technologies
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    Procurement of Medical Equipment and Furniture

    Deadline: Nov 05, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Supply, installation, and commissioning of medical equipment and furniture for health facilities in Lôh Djiboua and Haut Sassandra regions (3 lots)

  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Peru Recycling & Waste Management
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    Waste Management Vehicles

    Deadline: Nov 14, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:

    supply of equipment for the storage, sweeping, cleaning and transfer phase of solid waste in District Municipalities of the Provinces of Arequipa, Tacna and Coronel Portillo

  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Madagaskar Road Transport
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    Consulting Services, Maintenance Management of Rural Roads

    Deadline Extension/ Aktualisierung/ Expression of Interest

    Deadline: Oct 30, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Study on the maintenance management and the sustainability of constructed rural communal or intercommunal roads

    Requested Services:

    The overall objective of the services is to identify and/or formulate and/or develop a system which will ensure the sustainability and durability of the road infrastructure built within the framework of PDCID I and PDCID II through the strengthening of an upkeep and maintenance system to allow beneficiaries to fully benefit from the effects and impacts of...

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