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Tenders (5) Niger (5)
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  • Mar 16, 2023 Tender Notice Niger Education
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    Consulting Services, Promoting Girls' Education

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    Project measures:
    The overall objective of the project is to improve access and retention of girls in primary and secondary school in order to prevent early marriage and pregnancy and to promote the self-determination of young women in Niger.
    The direct target group is young girls from particularly vulnerable households in grades 4 to 3. With this age group, the project covers the transition from primary school to the full cycle of secondary school, where dropping...

  • Dec 07, 2022 Tender Notice Burkina Faso Healthcare
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    Laboratory Equipment and Consumables

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    WAHO has applied for financing from KfW toward the cost of the Project “Support to the West African Health Organization for strengthening epidemiological surveillance systems”, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract(s) for the supply and installation of laboratory equipment, reagents & consumables and incinerators for 11 National and Regional Reference Laboratories of four ECOWAS countries: Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, and...

  • Sep 08, 2022 Tender Notice Niger Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting Services/Feasibility Study, Rehabilitation/Modernization/Development of Irrigation Schemes

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    development of a feasibility study for a project to rehabilitate, modernize und develop irrigation schemes, promote employment and value chains

    The original document in French language is available for download!

  • Nov 02, 2021 Tender Notice Burkina Faso Photovoltaics
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    Solar Equipment

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    Requested Services
    Lot 1: supply and installation of solar equipment for 2 reference laboratories in Burkina Faso
    Lot 2: supply and installation of solar equipment for 3 reference laboratories in Niger
    in the context of a programme to improve the epidemiological surveillance systems in Western Africa

    Further details are available in the original document in French language (see Download)!

  • Aug 13, 2021 Tender Notice Niger Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting Services, Small-Scale Irrigation Project

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Consulting services within the framework of a small-scale irrigation project in the regions Agadez, Tahoua and Tillabéry to improve agricultural production and smallholder revenues. Planned investments:
    irrigation infrastructure, dams, access roads, storage facilities etc.
    Note: Download document in French language!

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