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Tenders (128) Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure (105) Economic Promotion, Foreign Trade Promotion (17) Employment Promotion (13)
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  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Madagaskar Road Transport
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    Consulting Services, Maintenance Management of Rural Roads

    Deadline Extension/ Aktualisierung/ Expression of Interest

    Deadline: Oct 30, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Study on the maintenance management and the sustainability of constructed rural communal or intercommunal roads

    Requested Services:

    The overall objective of the services is to identify and/or formulate and/or develop a system which will ensure the sustainability and durability of the road infrastructure built within the framework of PDCID I and PDCID II through the strengthening of an upkeep and maintenance system to allow beneficiaries to fully benefit from the effects and impacts of...

  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Bolivia Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Design-Build of the Motacusal Wastewater Treatment Plant in Santa Cruz de la Sierra


    Deadline: Oct 28, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    detailed design, provision, construction, assembly, and commissioning of the new wastewater treatment plant; the new plant shall be designed for 263,000 pe
    The work will be carried out in accordance with the Contract (FIDIC Yellow Book, 1999).

  • Sep 17, 2024 Tender Notice Iraq Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services, Project Implementation (Municipal Infrastructure)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Project measures:
    The currently envisaged Project measures are as follow:
    Construction of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to supply potable water to Al Khidr district and ensure operation and maintenance for one year;
    Disposal of brine (pipeline or other adequate option to be agreed between MoCHMPW, Muthanna Water Directorate (MWD) and KfW);
    Reservoirs for distribution, pumping stations and enlargement of the existing water distribution network;
    Consulting Services including detailed design and...

  • Sep 13, 2024 Tender Notice Zambia Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Road and Drainage Works in Southern Province of Zambia


    Deadline: Nov 15, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Contracting services for Climate Resilient Decentralised Infrastructure (Road and Drainage Works) in Southern Province of Zambia

    Bid Lot 1: Choma Council

    Bid Lot 2: Kalomo Council

    Bid Lot 3: Sinazongwe Council

    Bid Lot 4: Mazabuka Council

    Bid Lot 5: Monze Council

    Bid Lot 6: Gwembe Council

    Bid Lot 7: Pemba Council

  • Sep 10, 2024 Tender Notice Rwanda Project Management, Evaluation
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    Consulting Services, Pro-Poor Development

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank/ Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Consulting Services for Project Implementation
    The Project contributes to the focal area “Peaceful and Inclusive Societies” of the German Development Cooperation (GDC) in Rwanda. The Objective of the respective Programme is ‘An effective and accountable governance on all state levels delivers public services in the necessary scope and adequate quality and enables empowered citizens to demand and have access to these services’. The Objective of the Project (Outcome)...

  • Sep 09, 2024 Tender Notice Tunesia Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Construction, Rehabilitation of Wastewater Treatment Plant

    Addendum/ Deadline Extension

    Deadline: Oct 01, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    realization of rehabilitation works on the wastewater treatment plant in Ben Arous

  • Sep 04, 2024 Tender Notice Georgia Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Construction Services, Rehabilitation of Communal Infrastructure of New Batumi (BAT V)

    Deadline: Oct 21, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    Construction of an additional 5,200 m3 volume water chamber adjacent to the existing Injalo reservoir, including sodium hypochlorite chlorination unit for all reservoirs, construction of a new sewer PS A, to be constructed fully in parallel with the operating old PS A, including: deep excavations up to 11m, with a high ground water table (sheet piling and grout pit bottom stabilisation measures are required); supply and installation of 6 dry installed pumps 305 l/s @ 50 m; two...

  • Sep 04, 2024 Tender Notice Cambodia Smart Grids
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    Extension of the medium voltage grid (Package B)

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank


    Requested services:
    design, engineering, procurement and construction of
    Extension of the medium voltage grid (either 22 or/and 35 kV, incl. station
    transformers) in the rural areas of Kampong Thom, Oddar Meanchey,
    Preah Vihear and Siem Reap provinces

  • Sep 02, 2024 Tender Notice China Forestry, Landscaping
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    Construction/Procurement, Restoration of Zhoujiaba Ecological Wetland

    Deadline: Oct 17, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Requested Services:
    The project includes protection and restoration of the Zhoujiaba Ecological Wetland, the construction of ecological dike, construction of the ecological wetland for advanced wastewater treatment and basic instruments for monitoring and operation of the wetland park, the construction of Zhoujiaba Gate 2, and the supply and installation of all the equipment and facilities as well as conducting the commissioning.

  • Aug 23, 2024 Tender Notice Burkina Faso Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting, Construction of a Water Treatment Plant and Pipes


    Deadline: Sep 23, 2024

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    The aim of the project is to contribute to improving the health of the population by ensuring a sustainable supply of drinking water to the towns of Soubakaniédougou and Niangoloko through the construction of a water treatment plant and supply and distribution pipes, and supplying the villages of Malon, Volonkoto, Douna, Gouindougouni and Panga along the way
    Requested Services:
    Project management, preparation of technical studies and tender documents, support in the procurement process...

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